Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Bird? Plane? Geek!

The terms ‘Geek’ and ‘Nerd’ in today’s society are often contrived. Many people make the assumption that they are same thing. However, apart from a few subtle cross-overs there are several fibres in the make-up of these terms that allow them to be differentiated. A ‘Nerd,’ if I may steal a definition from Urban Dictionary (and yes steal, not borrow; borrow gives the impression I intend to return it once I’ve used it) is someone “whose IQ exceeds his weight.” They are the clever ones. The ones generally bullied in school but who eventually create power-house businesses and generate six-figure salaries. Think Bill Gates and you wouldn’t be far wrong.

A ‘Geek’ however should never be confused with a ‘Nerd.’ Geeks do not have to be smart. They do not lack the social skills that Nerds do but they are most likely not in any way athletic (but still enjoy sport on a non-physical level), they read, watch copious amounts of TV and films, play video games and surf the internet furiously. This is where I come in. I am a ‘Geek.’ I’d like to say it that it took me a while to come to terms with it but I’ve always been one and potentially always will be. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a hermit who stays indoors or essentially a young child stuck in a teenage body but there are some obsessions that I have carried forward since the day I was born. Without playing it I still have a soft spot for Pokemon, love Star Wars and am as obsessed as when I was five at the prospect of Batman. I turn nineteen in August this year and only last week I ordered a Batman poster online and bought a full-length Justice League of America door poster for my bathroom door.

When I was much younger, I would come in from school and immediately get changed from my school uniform into either a Batman, Superman, Spiderman or any kind of –man costume that I could create using the things I would find lying around. I even once commissioned my Mum to make me a Superman cape out of red curtain material to the exact specifications of the one that was worn on the American TV-series that was broadcast over here up until a few years ago, and watched over her as she did it. Looking back, I’d have kicked me if I was my kid. That’s Mums though, the patience of a Saint built into every one.

I appreciate that now I could be much worse and I don’t go round exclaiming to everyone I meet how Geeky I am, I’ll leave that for the upturned jean legged, Dr. Marten wearing Indie kids to do that. Compared to them, I’m not that bad. Besides, it’s not as if when I went home during Christmas I found the aforementioned Superman cape, discovered that it still kind of fit and ended up watching TV “accidently” wearing it for a bit. Oh, leave me alone.


Imogen said...

God bless Mums. And Geeks.

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