Thursday 26 January 2012

Vive La Resolution!

Now before I begin let me apologise profusely for my veritable ‘radio-silence’ over the last month or so. Let me assure you, there are a number of perfectly reasonable excuses as to why I’ve been forced to move this little blog of mine somewhere deep in the ether; granted the primary reason of such was my general laziness over the festive period and therefore my reluctance to sit down for any length of time and write, which incidentally mirrors the feelings I had towards the essay I had to write before I arrived back in Leeds this January. Nonetheless, as with the essay, the little voice in my head that kept reminding me that it had to be done eventually finally won over the other little voice that reminded me that the beer in Wetherspoon’s wasn’t going to drink itself. Don’t get me wrong for one second, writing this little bit of technologically-presented insignificance is by no means a chore, but as I write it off the top of my head it always takes longer than I imagine so naturally, it gets put off. Well, it’s what I do with everything that I know requires even a modicum of thought.

Anyway, the Christmas break was better than I could have imagined. Several nights out were had, many a pint was drunk and it was great to be back at home, reunited with friends and family whom I’d left behind. Suffice to say, I had never really liked ‘town’ back home, it was never really my scene; but having spent what felt like every other night there, with the right people of course (undoubtedly some of the world’s best), I have to say I’ve developed quite a likeness to certain places. If you will, and excuse the crude, tosser-ish tone of what I’m about to say; everyone well and truly regained their seat on the ‘banter bus.’ Yeah, I know. Sorry.

Also in the last month, in one of the finest examples of terrible time management, I took and passed my driving test. This was conclusion of over a year of lessons and more money than I frankly care to comprehend all because admittedly I put off my test on several occasions for reasons that actually I don’t understand myself. I guess it just got put to the bottom of the pile through an insane and completely illogical version of natural selection. As it happens, in some respects it paid off because I passed first time, even after stalling literally ten seconds after leaving the test centre; something that, incidentally, I haven’t done since about my tenth lesson.

That said, I’m nothing if not adaptable and so I start 2012 with the same resolution I set myself every year, but to no avail. For those of you who know me or have at least seen me, you would perhaps presume that my yearly resolution would be to drop a few. Alas this is never the case and my latest achievement of creating a belly that can now comfortably act as beer shelf for when I sit down has done nothing but enhance my desperate love of anything edible and in large quantity. No, my yearly resolution to manage my time better - mostly in terms of work. I generally start off fairly well but by the end of the year, as highlighted by the aforementioned driving test, the resolution just disintegrates into dust. Not this year through. Oh no, this year will be the most organised and managed year of my entire life. No more leaving essays until the last minute or desperately reading final chapters of books on the bus into Uni for me. All year. Well, for a bit. Possibly. Maybe. We’ll see.


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